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The Spicy Clean of Clove

December 5, 2019

Today we’re exploring the uses of an oil that shares a name with a dried spice likely to reside in your kitchen cupboard. It’s dōTERRA Clove, of course! This name comes from the Latin word clavus, meaning nail, because the buds that produce this oil resemble small tacks or nails in appearance. You might already know how clove performs in the kitchen; it adds a very spicy flavor to all kinds of dishes and desserts. Clove leaves a powerful taste and scent lingering in the mouth and nose, implying it has potential beyond mere flavor enhancement. And it does!

Warm, woody, and protective, dōTERRA Clove essential oil is steam-distilled from the unopened, dried flower buds of evergreen trees grown on the island of Madagascar. The clove tree, originally from Southeast Asia, requires a humid and tropical environment and can live for up to a century. It belongs to the myrtle family, which is known for producing highly aromatic leaves, flowers, and buds. It sure is fortunate for us that these traits run in the myrtle family, because powerful Clove oil has much to offer us humans!

People have made use of clove trees across the centuries for cooking, perfumery, and other aromatic uses; and in more recent years, it’s become popular for dental use. Clove’s unique chemical composition makes it stimulating, energizing, warming, and cleansing, all at once. Use it to cleanse those pearly whites and promote fresh breath by adding a drop to your toothpaste, or if you prefer, by gargling one drop in about two ounces of water.

In addition to oral care and spicing up your favorite holiday recipes – think classic pumpkin pie or gingerbread cookies – everyday uses for dōTERRA Clove include freshening up your living space in a homemade potpourri mix or delivering a powerful massage. Take note that Clove is known as a very hot oil and should always be diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil before applying to the skin! One idea is to combine a drop of Clove essential oil with your favorite hand and body lotion. Once properly diluted, you can enjoy Clove’s warming effect in a stress-melting massage.

To bring the aroma of a cool, crisp day indoors, experiment by combining Clove with Cinnamon, Cassia, Vetiver, Wild Orange, Ginger, or Cardamom. Let’s clear the air (literally) with a simple diffuser recipe! Combine 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Melaleuca, and 1 drop Cinnamon Bark in your diffuser of choice. Like its fellow woody oils, Clove mixes well with other oils that contain similar properties. Did your nose catch the subnote of leather that Clove added to the aromatic bouquet? Now it’s clear why warm, spicy Clove is a sturdy component of any do-it-yourself cologne creation. Stay tuned for that recipe.

The overall benefits of the clove bud make us want to become best buds with it! Clove’s spicy cleanness has the capacity to increase warmth and wellness in your home this season. Are you ready to taste, smell, and experience it for yourself? Warm up to the spicy clean of Clove.